Here's How to Check Reduced Followers on Instagram, Definitely Found Out!

Everyone certainly has social media to connect between friends with each other. The very booming social media is Instagram. Instagram is an application that allows users to share photos, videos, stories or what we know with instastory that has many effects that you can use to make stories come alive, and also IGTV features that allow us to create a channel like Youtube.

On Instagram itself there are 3 important things, namely post, following, and also followers. This post contains photos or videos on your account. Following is the account that we follow. Followers are the accounts that follow our account.

Besides showing beautiful and elegant photos. Followers are the most important thing for Instagram users. How come? With so many followers, our photos will be liked by many people. Not only that, Instagram accounts with the most followers can also be used for media selling online, endorsement, or other promotional media. Well, there are a lot of benefits from these followers. In addition to getting a lot of followers, you need to know how to see accounts that unfollow us. Is it possible? Very good!

Of course you have felt annoyed that there are accounts that follow you, you follow back. But, not long, we are even unfollowed. Though the account is still on our Following. Moreover, it's our own friend, already know how it feels? Instagram itself does not provide features or alerts to tell about accounts that unfollow us. Therefore, we need additional applications that can be downloaded in the PlayStore. Come on, see the explanation of how to know the following follower decreases,

How to Check Reduced Followers
# 1 Using the Followers & Unfollowers application
1. Download and install the Followers & Unfollowers application in the playstore. 

2. After the application is installed, open the application. Then, click LOGIN WITH INSTAGRAM.

3. Enter your Instagram account username and password, then click the Log in button.

4. Well, after the login is successful. The first menu that appears is Don'T Follow me back. In this section you can see accounts that don't follow you even though you have already joined the account.

5. Next if you feel followers are decreasing, you can see the last account that stopped following you. How to click on the Google menu in the left corner then select the recent followers section.

6. Look at the picture below. Followers who have stopped following you will be here. Because it's empty, it means that no account has stopped following you.

# 2 Using the Unfollowers & Followers Analysis application
1. Download and install the Unfollowers & Followers Analysis application in the playstore. You can download it here.

2. After the application is installed, open the application. Then, click Login With Instagram located at the bottom of the application. Besides being able to check followers, this application can also download your friend's story instagram secretly, or see who often sees our Instagram account.

3. Enter your Instagram username and password. After that, click log in.

4. Then, click the Unfollowers menu as shown below.

5. Look at the picture below. You can see the account you are following, but do not follow you back.

How easy is that? That's how to check Instagram followers who have reduced through additional apps. Now you do not need to worry if at any time there are accounts that unfollow you.

You can track it through the tutorial above. My advice is not to use it too often, then our hearts will be filled with malice. It would be nice if used occasionally so that our mentality is maintained. Thank you and hope it is useful!
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About Bloga Maloga

Seorang newbie yang ingin mencari penghasilan tambahan lewat Internet, itu saja.

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