4 Ways to Use VideoMax Quota from Activation to Use, Complete!

This tutorial will thoroughly discuss how to use VideoMax quota in full. VideoMax quota is a special quota launched by Telkomsel to its users to enjoy streaming movie services or watch Box Office movies legally and for free on smartphone devices through Asian Hooq and drama services through VIU services.

So, you only need to buy the VideoMax package to enjoy this service. However, to use the videomax quota requires third party applications namely Hooq, VIU, Nickelodeon, and SuperSoccer TV.

Services that are favored by Telkomsel providers include a number of new types of packages among users. So there are still many who are confused about how to register to how to use VideoMax quota itself.

How to Use the Quota Videomax
Even though Hooq and VIU services can be enjoyed free of charge, in order to use this service you must first activate the videomax quota. Things you should and must know before using this VideoMax quota that this quota can only be used when streaming or watching movies.

When you log in to the application in question, search for films or similar activities, then the quota used is the main quota. So, basically the VideoMax quota can only be used when watching or streaming on condition

This requires that you have a main or regular internet quota in order to use VideoMax's quota. So don't be confused if your regular quota is cut a little because to log in and search for movies requires a regular or general quota.

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Step 1: Activate VideoMax Quota
Well, to be able to use VideoMax quota, you must already have this type of quota, of course. The 3 ways that you can do to activate VideoMax quota are as follows.

Method 1: Bonus Package or Additional VideoMax Quota
You can buy an ordinary data plan that has a VideoMax quota bonus. Usually Telkomsel packages offer a variety of internet packages that you can choose, one of which is an additional package or VideoMax quota bonus. With this first method, you don't have to bother buying the VideoMax quota package specifically again.

Method 2: Buying VideoMax Quota Through USSD with Simpati Card
Open the call / call menu> type * 123 #> then press call / dial / call.

Next select menu number 3, namely Video / Music / Games> then press Send / Send.

Then select menu number 1, VideoMAX Add On> then press Send / Send.

You can choose which package suits your needs and desires. I chose package number 2 namely Extra VideoMAX 1GB Quota> then press Send / Send.

Next, VideoMax quota details will appear along with prices or fees charged. Select menu number 1 to buy> then press Send / Send.

Method 3: Purchase VideoMax Quota Through the MyTelkomsel Application
Download and install the MyTelkomsel application on your smartphone.
Then open the MyTelkomsel application.
Select Enter or Login.

Then enter your Telkomsel number> press the Continue / Continue button.

Telkomsel will send a verification code via SMS. Please check and enter the number into the available column> then press Verification.

After entering the main page of the MyTelkomsel application, please select the circle menu or icon in the image below.

Select in the Package menu or Browse Packages section.

Next select the Entertainment or Entertainment section.

You can see and choose the VideoMax package that suits your needs or desires by sliding to the side then pressing the Buy or Buy button.

Please select the Pay or Pay button.

Step 2: Use VideoMax Quota
In this article, I will only use the VideoMax quota in the Hooq application only. Use for other applications is not much different.

Download and install the relevant application like Hooq, VIU, SuperSoccer, CatchPlay, Nickelodeon.
Register or register a Hooq, VIU, SuperSoccer, CatchPlay, Nickelodeon account to be able to enter and watch. Please select Sign up to register for an account.

Enter your Telkomsel number> select Done.

Confirm the sending code by selecting YES.

Please enter the verification code> then select Next or Next.

Enter your e-mail address and press Start your trial now.

Select and search for the movie you want to watch.

If you have searched for and selected the movie you want to watch, then the quota that will be used when watching streaming is the Videomax quota. In order to follow the steps above, make sure you have a regular quota.

Because, to download the application and login and browse the film will use regular or main quota. So many articles on how to activate up to using VideoMax quota. Hopefully the article about how to use VideoMax quota above is useful for you. Good luck!
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About Bloga Maloga

Seorang newbie yang ingin mencari penghasilan tambahan lewat Internet, itu saja.

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