9 Benefits of LAN Cards on Computer Networks You Need to Know

LAN Card is a chip or card that is inserted into a laptop or computer that has a function to be able to transmit LAN networks or stands for Local Area Network. LAN itself is one of the most widely used networks by a number of people for various purposes. Places that usually rely on LAN as an access network are schools, internet cafes and offices.

If you want to build a LAN computer network, you can use three methods. That is the method of wired (using cable), wireless (without using a cable) and you can use both methods.

If you want to use the first method, the wired method that uses cables, then you have to use Ethernet to build the network. Whereas if you use the second method that is using the wireless method without using a cable then you can use the Wi-Fi signal.

Usually in most LAN networks located in homes, they always use a router to be able to create a network and also to be able to manage devices that are connected to it. The router is useful to be the center of connection and allows a number of devices such as mobile phones, computers, laptops, etc. to be able to connect with each other.

The router will be connected to a modem or cable to be able to provide internet access on connected devices. There are many advantages offered by LAN. The following are the advantages of LAN or Local Area Network:

LAN computer networks usually have a fairly high speed.
LAN computer networks are also very easy to apply to all types of computers that exist.
LAN computer networks can speed up the process when transferring data to a computer that is in a location.
LAN computer networks do not require weather worries.
LAN computer networks do not require the use of connections on WAN networks which can burden most operators.

This LAN or LAN Card appeared in the 1950s, which at that time had been made super computers that became increasingly known to the public. It was also a supporter of the thoughts of a number of researchers who wanted the computer to be used at the same time. And then the other discourses that want to be made are so that one computer can serve several terminals at once, because at that time the cost of assembling computers is very expensive.

At that time it was created what was called the Time Sharing System, it was the first form of the emergence of computer networks and to this day is growing rapidly. There is another system that was made with the name Distribution Process after the Time Sharing System era was replaced. Which at that time one host or server can do many tasks in parallel and connected serially with several computers and terminals as well.

The use of the Distribution Process at that time had begun to mature, and at the time the price of the devices and computer components had begun to fall and there had been a lot of computer productions, it began to develop peer to peer system computer networks. Peer to peer system is a computer network where one computer with another computer can be connected together. And both computers act as clients and servers.

Benefits of a LAN Card

LAN Card is a computer device that has several important functions on a computer network. The main LAN Card function is that it can help in connecting one computer to a local network or what we call a LAN or Local Area Network.

LANs, as we know, can be found in several places such as schools, universities, offices, internet cafes and cafes. And also this LAN can help each computer unit connect to each other in a room. And here are the benefits of LAN Card:

LAN Card can be used to play games in multiplayer.
LAN Cards can be used to share internet connections from server to client. And only requires 1 server and 1 modem for more than 10 computers.
LAN Cards can be used to communicate such as chatting and also chatting between computers without the need for WAN or internet network assistance.
LAN Card can be used to maintain the confidentiality of data, so that the data can be accessed only with computers connected in the LAN network. This is used so that the data is not easily leaked out of the network.
LAN Cards can be used to access databases from servers.

Such is the article about the benefits of the LAN Card as stated. With some of these benefits you can easily determine whether to use a LAN Card or not.
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