Understanding Microblogging and the Difference with Blogging

Once you hear the word blog, maybe what you think about is Blogger or WordPress. These two names are the most famous blog service provider sites in the world today.

Taking into account the concept of microblogging, social media that is often used by many people can actually be categorized as microblogging. Many people do not realize that they are actually doing small-scale blogging activities.

Because, in their perception it was conceptualized that their activities with social media were socializing rather than making content. Even though in fact, all their activities with social media already meet the criteria as a blogging activity even on a small scale.

The essence of blogging is to share information content with the public through internet media. Of course the information here is unlike content on news sites that always display information on actual events at the same time, information presented on blogs and microblogs generally is information about popular knowledge, general knowledge, opinions, and research results.

Definition of Microblogging

Pengertian Microblogging

Quoting from Wikipedia.com, the definition of mikroblog is a form of blog that allows users to write a short update text of less than 200 characters and publish it, both to be seen by all people or limited groups chosen by the user.

Apart from Blogger and WordPress, there are many blogging concepts available online, ready to download and ready to use, but require more in-depth knowledge to understand how they work. Among them is the concept of a blog that uses the basis of CMS (Content Management System) such as Drupal, Joomla, Moodle, and others.

At a more advanced level, writing a blog can be not just writing content but also modifying page views for the sake of security or the quality of the user interface. The display modification can use Javascript, CSS modification, or just add paid plugins that are ready to use.


Blogger and WordPress are blog services that are not paid or free, for some sites they impose payments to create a blog on their site at a rate that is equivalent to the price of rental webhost. The concept of a blog with the CMS mentioned earlier also utilizes a webhost, only users can choose their own webhost.

Microblogging, the concept of storing content is slightly different from the actual blog. All content is stored on servers that are designed and prepared by microblogging service providers. Although using a server and webhost provided by service providers, microblogging can generally be used for free. Users only need to register using the email and biodata requested. The microblogging examples that we can find in our daily lives include Friendster, Facebook, Twitter, Plurk, Ketiker, Jaiku, Catchfriend, Untirta Network, and so on.

Differences in Microblogging and Blogging
The basic difference from microblogs with more general blogs is microblogs smaller than the actual blog. The purpose of microblogs is exactly like a blog, where users can write certain topics and publish them. Microblog users can also comment on the text updates made by other microblog users and vice versa.

On the actual blog, users will find many features, such as posts, drafts, layouts, themes, plugins, and so on. To use the blog facility, users must log in first, in order to log in as an admin the user must first register using email and enter the required biodata. After the user has successfully logged in, new users can use the features and facilities provided by the blog service.

pengertian microblogging

Meanwhile, on microblogging, the process is simpler. The user is only one and is personal, in the perception of the blog we can call it admin. One user for one login account. How to register is almost the same as the way when registering a blog. Regarding the microblog features, it doesn't differ much from the actual blog, it's just more concise, simple, and generally users can't customize the appearance of their interface.

An interesting phenomenon appears in the country we live in, where the election of state leaders began to use microblog as a media campaign and promotion of legislative candidates to seek public support. In fact, the legislative candidate openly displays a profile on his own microblog and other users can check the text on his page at any time. From this phenomenon we can draw a simple conclusion that, microblog has the power that can influence the public. Microblog appears as an important source to find out the latest news, news and situations.

Unlike the blog, which may not be as much as microblog users, although it is possible to do promotions through blogs. However, the reality has proven that in the matter of microblog publication it is easier to target information objects because it is easier to mushroom.

In microblog language we can separate it based on the order of words into micro and blog. Micro means small, while a blog means an online journal. In full, microblogs can be interpreted as mini online journals or online journals on a small scale. The activity of creating content or posting on microblog sites is commonly referred to as microblogging.

Based on the number of characters, microblogging has a much smaller capacity than the actual blog. However, in terms of its influence, microblog turned out to be more influential in the realm of publication than conventional blogs. Each site has an arrangement, hierarchy, and appearance that varies according to the site's original purpose.

As when you access Facebook, you can quickly understand that the purpose of this microblog site is as social media, while Twitter is for the purpose of delivering short messages to the public. Each microblog is made with a specific purpose that must be understood first by the user so that its use is efficient.
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