Every internet user must be familiar with the term web browser because almost every time you open a site on the internet users use this application or software. But do you know what the browser means?
In order to function, of course the web browser must be connected to the internet and usually web browser programs have been provided on every computer device or other gadgets, although often we use other web browsers that we prefer.
Understanding the browser
Understanding the browser is a software or software that is used to find information or access sites that are on the internet. This device will make it easier for users to access data or find needed references. There are various kinds of web browser devices that are now being used such as Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera, Safari, Internet Explorer and so on.
List of popular web browsers
Every web browser that is used certainly has advantages and disadvantages, however, some browsers like Mozilla and Chrome are widely used because they are considered faster when accessing data. Sometimes web browsers are more often interpreted as search engines like Google when in fact web browsers are different from search engines or search engines where web browsers stand alone while search engines are usually part of a web browser.
How the browser works
To use a web browser, users can access it very easily. Users or users only need to open the application then type in the address or the destination site, usually by using the WWW format (world wide web) or typing the URL (Uniform Source Locator) in the address bar of the web browser. After typing in the destination address, the web browser application will fetch or retrieve data that is usually written in html code.
The web address or url that we enter in the browser will direct the browser to the destination page. For example, if we enter the url address https://www.nesabamedia.com/ then the browser will first access http or hypertext transfer protocol or sometimes called protocol only. Http at the address will transmit files from the web server to the browser, then nesabamedia.com will direct the browser to the destination page where the data is stored on the web server.
Function of the Web Browser
Almost every day internet users certainly cannot be separated from the use of a web browser both to read the news and find other data. The web browser has several functions including the following:
1. Open the website page
The most prominent web browser function might be in its ability to direct users to the destination website address. By using a web browser someone can go directly to the address where he will access the data while if he uses a search engine he will only get a number of websites that match the keywords entered.
2. Ensuring the security of a web
Usually in a web browser there is also an authentication process or verification process of a website or page and ensures that the page is not harmful to the device if visited for example to avoid computer devices or gadgets from viruses that can damage computer systems.
3. Supports data requests
Another function of web browsers is to support requests for data needed by users or known as requesting supporting data items. Almost all web addresses on the internet can be accessed using a web browser and data in the form of photos or other media can be stored directly in a computer document.
4. Collect data and maximize appearance
In addition to providing access to the intended page directly, the web browser also functions to collect all the data on a website including the effects that are in it so that web pages can be displayed better and maximally. Not only displays text, a web browser can also display photos, videos and audio on a page.
5. Supports the use of search engines
Search engines or search engines are generally part of a web browser so users can search data more easily and faster without having to type the address in the address bar in the web browser menu.
That is a discussion about the definition of browser, browser functions and how the browser works that you need to know. The web browser does have many functions and benefits in human life, especially for those who have high activity and mobility. Make sure you choose and use a web browser according to the needs and advantages it has.
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